African Pyramids of Knowledge
by Molefi Kete Asante | Universal Write (2015)
Afrocentricity allows the student of human culture investigating African phenomena to view the world from the standpoint of the African. Dr. Asante's current book brings us into the 21st century with new avenues for research and critique.
Readers will learn how to:
- Apply the Afrocentric method to transform human reality
- Usher in a human openness to cultural pluralism unlocking of our minds for acceptance of an expansion of consciousness
- Overthrow parochialism, provincialism, and narrow Wotanic visions
- Demonstrate the usefulness of an Afrocentric approach, beginning with ancient Kemet, to questions of knowledge
African Pyramids of Knowledge delves into four areas: (1) The Intellectual Landscape, which details what constitutes the discipline of Africology, (2) A Mobilization of Ideas, which discusses the hallmarks of creative and philosophical origin as they aid in the critical process of African recovery (3) Confronting the Historical Situation, which proposes new ways to deal with the historical situation and (4) Asserting the New Cultural Reality, envisioning what innovative examination of agency could accomplish.
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