An Afrocentric Pan Africanist Vision

by Molefi Kete Asante | Lexington Books (2020)


“After reading this book you will be compelled to reconsider how we contemporarily think about social justice. Few people have done more to move African Diaspora considerations from a philosophical conversation about our distant past or a theoretic musing about dispersed people out there to something much more timely and relevant. Asante’s contemporary vision, informed by a Pan African sensibility, shows us what we must all do if we genuinely care about the future direction of humanity. It is written with an urgent call to arms to those who understand the significance of agency in the fight for liberation. This book demonstrates why Molefi Kete Asante remains one of the most brilliant thinkers in the world!.”
—Ronald L. Jackson, University of Cincinnati


In An Afrocentric Pan Africanist Vision: Afrocentric Essays, Molefi Kete Asante, engages the age-old debate on Pan Africanism by providing an innovative orientation to the established discourse developed during the twentieth century. Asante opens an interrogation of the Padmorian tradition of a socialist Pan Africanism by suggesting that a deeper entry into the histories and narratives of the literary, economic, social, and spiritual values of the thousands of African societies scattered throughout the world could sustain a different agency analysis of Pan Africanism without grafting an external idea on the unity of Africa. Using his vast knowledge of the history of Africa, Asante suggests that the African renaissance cannot take place unless there is a commitment to creating an African community conscious of its own myths, origins, and economic, cultural, and philosophical traditions.

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  • Asante is “one of America’s top 100 leading thinkers.

    —Utne Reader

  • Asante, a sixth-generation American descended from enslaved Africans, has been a guiding light in African American studies.


  • Molefi Kete Asante is a seminal thinker.

    —Cornel West, Princeton University